Hello, Members, Partners and Friends.
Good reason for this is that we have been working hard on launching our brand new website. If you have not logged on for a while please do so. It is a huge upgrade on our last one, but with all the same fantastic content. Any feedback we would love hear it. (no really)
For some of us the summer was spent being very busy filling orders and helping people have a great vacation in our respective areas. We at GABERCO hope it was a very successful summer for our members and many of which saw some great growth in there businesses. For others of us it was down time until the busy season of November through to March hits squarely on the jaw. Summer was a time to evaluate your business, do sales and marketing for the upcoming season, tweak your website or move to a new one (as we did) and get ready for a great season.
Current News
For our Canadian and American members some news for you in regards to Toys R Us filing for Bankruptcy. It is still unclear what stores will be closing and how this will effect the Babies r Us locations. They will they will most likely remain open for Babies R Us, and Toys R Us will operate with a smaller model. However this is probably the beginning of the end. Look for great deals on your equipment at your local stores.
Recent Customer Requested Items:
Beach Wagons – seems to gaining in popularity for customer requests lately and not just for rental companies with beaches near by. For that 3 year old that always wants to walk but really can’t for any kind of distance, this is a great option. Put them in the wagon with your items and stroll around your vacation spot at your own pace.
Diffuser – Essential oils for toddlers and baby’s to both cure and prevent aliments, are becoming more and more popular as parents continue to turn away from traditional methods of treatment and prevention. This item is not easy to take on a plane or in your luggage since they are easily broken. Not expensive to buy but can rent for $3-5 per day. The oil can be a good add on sale as a vile but the oil vile’s are pretty strong and small so find a great store close by and sell them when you have an order for a good mark up.
New on the Market Items
This brings us this month to the ABC Kids Expo in Las Vegas. This a huge show with over 600 vendors all in the baby and toddler market. We are of course attending the show to bring you all the latest from the show floor in next months news letter.
OCT 17-19th
Las Vegas Convention Centre
Become a member today for only $99yr. Get all our great benefits and discounts to services.
Thank you very much!
Ian, Amanda and Rossana.