Members, Friends and Vendors.
Welcome to 2018, a year of new possibilities and new relationships both personally and in business.
We would like to kick of the year with a fantastic announcement.
GABERCO is very excited to announce our partnership with GoBaby. For those who are unfamiliar with GoBaby, you will find this very strongly marketed app available in both the itunes and android app stores. We have found that it is a fantastic lead generation source for your business. As founding members we jumped on board and have generated sales over our busy season with this tool. We have found that these leads would go to a normal google search and the client would then hopefully pick your business from the list. With the GoBaby app you get the order.
How it works
As a rental business we have many items for rent. Natalie can send you a file where you can add your items to a spread sheet. Send it back to her and she will upload your items and destination to the App.
GoBaby will charge you 10% for the service (discounts for GABERCO members) and the client 10% for using the service. All you need to get going is an email to Natalie and a Stripe Account. All orders go directly to your stripe account less the commission, there is no holding of funds from your clients to your business. This is one of top reasons we decided that this app would benefit our members. Currently stripe services 30 countries from around the world but if you are in a country that is not serviced by Stripe you can set it up from a country that you would have a usable address in that is does service.
Demographic most using apps? Millennials
Demographic most having babies? Millennials
Demographic most likley to rent baby equipment? Millennials
Do not let your business get left behind. To have an app developed for your business you are looking at a price tag of $60000 USD and up. This is FREE. I do not know all of your businesses as I know my own but we give away 10% for a Facebook like.
We wanted to bring to you a form of development which will command the market in the years to come. Get on the app, increase your business. GABERCO is always committed to bringing you value with your membership. If you are a member of GABERCO you will get discounts on your % fees per order from
For more information you can ofcourse send us an email at
Lets kick off 2018!!!!
Founding Members GABERCO
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